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现行有效 GOST 33950-2016 Pyrotechnic wares. Methods of testsPyrotechnic wares. Methods of tests
发布: 2022-09-01实施:2022-09-01
现行有效 GOST 32942-2014 Prestressed reinforced concrete bearers for switches.General specificationsPrestressed reinforced concrete bearers for switches.General specifications
现行有效 GB/T 22165-2022 坚果与籽类食品质量通则General quality standard for nut and seed food
发布: 2022-07-11实施:2023-08-01
现行有效 GB/T 41527-2022 家用和类似用途服务机器人 安全通用要求General safety requirements for hoisehold and similar service robots
发布: 2022-07-11实施:2022-07-11
现行有效 GB/T 41529-2022 用于老年人生活辅助的智能家电系统 通用安全要求Smart household appliances system for older persons' assisted living-General safety requirements
发布: 2022-07-01实施:2023-02-01
现行有效 GOST R 58766-2019 Mortars. General specifications
发布: 2022-07-01实施:2022-07-01
现行有效 GOST R 58767-2019 Mortars. Test methods using reference specimens
现行有效 GOST 34711-2021 Natural gas. Determination of water vapors mass concentration
现行有效 GB 7101-2022 食品安全国家标准 饮料
发布: 2022-06-30实施:2022-12-30
现行有效 GOST R 58474-2019 Precautionary labelling of chemicals. General requirements
发布: 2022-06-01实施:2022-06-01
现行有效 GOST R 58475-2019 Chemical production safety passport. General requirements
现行有效 GOST R 58473-2019 Classification of danger of chemicals. General requirements
现行有效 GOST 33966.1-2020 Escalators and moving walks. Part 1. Safety requirements for construction and installation
现行有效 GOST 12.4.310-2020 Occupational safety standards system. Special clothing to protect from oil and oil products.General specifications
发布: 2022-04-01实施:2022-04-01
现行有效 GOST 34667.4-2020 Coating materials. Corrosion protection of steel structures by coating systems.Part 4. Types of surfaces and their preparation
发布: 2022-03-01实施:2022-03-01
现行有效 GOST 34667.2-2020 Coating materials. Corrosion protection of steel structures by coating systems. Part 2.Classification of environments
现行有效 GOST 34667.3-2020 Coating materials. Corrosion protection of steel structures by coating systems.Part 3. Design considerations for structures
现行有效 GOST 34667.1-2020 Coating materials. Corrosion protection of steel structures by coating systems. Part 1.General
现行有效 GY/T 276-2013-2015 《电影院票务管理系统技术要求和测量方法》第1号修改单
发布: 2022-02-28实施:
现行有效 SH 0445-1992 7112号宽温航空润滑脂
GB 44702-2024 直接接触人体皮肤的手表外观件中有害物质限量的规定
GB 44495-2024 汽车整车信息安全技术要求
GB/T 24067-2024 温室气体 产品碳足迹 量化要求和指南
GB/T 7247.5-2024 激光产品的安全 第5部分:生产者关于GB/T 7247.1的检查清单
GB/T 44408-2024 智慧城市 智慧多功能杆系统 功能要求
GB/T 44233.2-2024 蓄电池和蓄电池组安装的安全要求 第2部分:固定型电池
DB4420/T 60—2024 中山市实景三维基础地理信息图元协同化采集技术规程
DB4420/T 59—2024 中山市1∶500 1∶1 000 1∶2 000基础地理信息数据标准
DB4420/T 58—2024 拟穴青蟹池塘养殖技术规范
DB4420/T 57—2024 政务综合服务能力评价规范
DB4420/T 56—2024 个体工商户信用监管数据质量规范
DB4420/T 55—2024 龙舟竞渡文化体验服务指南