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作废 BS 1000[676]-1984 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.造纸工业Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Paper industry
发布: 2022-02-11实施:
作废 BS 1000[669]-1986 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.冶金Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Metallurgy
作废 BS 1000[69]-1981 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.建筑Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Building
作废 BS 1000[665]-1979 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.油.脂肪.蜡.胶粘剂.胶.树脂Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Oils - Fats - Waxes - Adhesives - Gums - Resins
作废 BS 1000[663]-1985 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.工业微生物学.工业真菌学.发酵业.饮料业.烟酒业Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Industrial microbiology - Industrial mycology - Fermentation industry - Beverage industry - Stimulant industry
作废 BS 1000[681.5]-1976 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.自动控制工程Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Automatic control engineering
作废 BS 1000[655]-1986 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.印刷工业.印刷.出版.图书发行Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Graphic industries - Printing - Publishing - Book trade
作废 BS 1000[64]-1984 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.家政学Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Home economics
作废 BS 2811-1969 烟雾密度指示器与记录器规范Specification for smoke density indicators and recorders
作废 BS 1000[675]-1983 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.皮革工业Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Leather industry
作废 BS 2992-1970 地方当局公共机关油漆工和装饰工用刷子(配件的质量除外)规范Specification for painters’ and decorators’ brushes for local authorities and public institutions (excluding quality of fillings)
作废 BS 1000[626/627]-1977 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.水利建筑工程Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Hydraulic (water) construction works
作废 BS 1000[624]-1981 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.一般土木建筑工程Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Civil and structural engineering in general
作废 BS 1000[664]-1985 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.固体食品的制备和保存Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Preparation and preservation of solid foodstuffs
作废 BS 2L 87-1971 用于制造螺母、联轴节和中空机器部件的铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.7)-锰(0.8)合金六角棒材规范(溶液处理和沉淀处理)(周边无不对称的粗晶粒)(对边尺寸小于36MM大于14MM)Specification for hexagonal bars for nuts, couplings and hollow machined parts of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (free from peripheral and asymmetric coarse grain) (not less than 14 mm nor
作废 BS 1000[621.9]-1976 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.切屑成形机械加工.切削、磨削、钣金加工等Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Working, machining with chip formation - Cutting, grinding, sheet working etc.
作废 BS 1000[621.4]-1976 国际十进位分类法.英文版全表.热力发动机(蒸气发动机除外)Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Heat engines (other than steam engines)
作废 BS 1000[654]-1983 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.电信和遥控(组织、服务)Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Telecommunication and telecontrol (organization, services)
作废 BS 302-8-1989 绞合钢丝绳.第8部分:高断裂荷载钢丝绳规范Stranded steel wire ropes - Specification for higher breaking load ropes
作废 BS 1000[620]-1990 国际十进分类法.英文版全表.材料试验.商业材料.电站.能源经济学Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Materials testing - Commercial materials - Power stations - Economics of energy
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