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作废 BS 5550-1.4.5-1980 电影摄影技术.8mm胶片.声音.8mm S型胶片照相录音位置和宽度尺寸规范Cinematography - 8 mm film - Sound - Specification for position and width dimensions of photographic sound record on 8 mm Type S motion-picture prints
发布: 2022-02-11实施:
作废 BS 5537-1991 设计图纸和配置图格式指南Guide to forms design sheet and layout chart
作废 BS 3900-E12.1-2000 涂料的试验方法.用显微镜测量凹槽长度法测定努普硬度Methods of test for paints - Determination of Knoop hardness by measurement of the indentation length using a microscope
作废 BS 5540-7-1991 液压液粒子污染的评定.污染级的测定方法(重量分析法)Evaluating particulate contamination of hydraulic fluids - Method of determining the level of contamination (by the gravimetric method)
作废 BS 5498-1977 手动切纸机的安全规范Specification for the safety of hand operated paper cutting machines
作废 BS 3892-2-1996 粉状燃灰.第2部分:作为I类添加剂使用的粉状燃灰的规格Pulverized-fuel ash - Specification for pulverized-fuel ash to be used as a Type I addition
作废 BS 5499-2-1986 消防安全标志、通告和图形符号.第2部分:自发光标记规范Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols - Specification for self-luminous fire safety signs
作废 BS 3544-1962 木材用聚乙酸乙烯酯粘剂试验方法Methods of test for polyvinyl acetate adhesives for wood
作废 BS 3547-1962 电热食品输送机及运载工具规范Specification for electrically-heated food conveyors and carriers
作废 BS 3813-1-1964 商业和住宅房屋废弃物用焚烧炉规范.第一部分:焚烧力为501b/h-10001b/h的焚烧炉Specification for incinerators for waste from trade and residential premises - Capacities between 50 lb/h and 1000 lb/h
作废 BS 3727-9-1967 电子管用镍的分析方法.第9部分:镁的测定(光度测量法)Methods for the analysis of nickel for use in electronic tubes and valves - Determination of magnesium (photometric method)
作废 BS 3727-4-1964 电子管用镍的分析方法.第4部分:铬的测定(光度测量法)Methods for the analysis of nickel for use in electronic tubes and valves - Determination of chromium (photometric method)
作废 BS 3727-20-1966 电子管用镍的分析方法.第20部分:光谱法Methods for the analysis of nickel for use in electronic tubes and valves - Spectrographic method
作废 BS 3727-12-1970 电子管和电子阀用镍的分析方法.硫的测定(燃烧法)Methods for the analysis of nickel for use in electronic tubes and valves - Determination of sulphur (combustion method)
作废 BS 3690-3-1990 建筑与土木工程用沥青.第3部分:沥青与硬沥青、焦油和特立尼达湖地沥青的混合料规范Bitumens for building and civil engineering - Specification for mixtures of bitumen with pitch, tar and Trinidad lake asphalt
现行有效 BS 3680-2D-1993 明渠液体流量测量.稀释法.利用荧光示踪物的测量方法Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Dilution methods - Methods of measurement using fluorescent tracers
作废 BS 5542-1978 放射性测量用环境或塑料试管尺寸规范Specification for dimensions of test tubes made of glass or plastics for radioactivity measurements
作废 BS 5525-1977 地图与设计图的35mm缩微复制品规范Specification for 35 mm microcopying of maps and plans
作废 BS 3564-1986 白云母块、片及薄膜按尺寸分级的方法Method for size-grading of muscovite mica blocks, thins and films
作废 BS 3484-2-1994 书写墨水.耐久墨水的规范Record inks - Specification for permanent inks
GB 44702-2024 直接接触人体皮肤的手表外观件中有害物质限量的规定
GB 44495-2024 汽车整车信息安全技术要求
GB/T 24067-2024 温室气体 产品碳足迹 量化要求和指南
GB/T 7247.5-2024 激光产品的安全 第5部分:生产者关于GB/T 7247.1的检查清单
GB/T 44408-2024 智慧城市 智慧多功能杆系统 功能要求
GB/T 44233.2-2024 蓄电池和蓄电池组安装的安全要求 第2部分:固定型电池
DB4420/T 60—2024 中山市实景三维基础地理信息图元协同化采集技术规程
DB4420/T 59—2024 中山市1∶500 1∶1 000 1∶2 000基础地理信息数据标准
DB4420/T 58—2024 拟穴青蟹池塘养殖技术规范
DB4420/T 57—2024 政务综合服务能力评价规范
DB4420/T 56—2024 个体工商户信用监管数据质量规范
DB4420/T 55—2024 龙舟竞渡文化体验服务指南