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作废 BS 4F 57-1990 航空航天用充气设备的擦净棉织物规范Specification for scoured cotton fabric for inflatable equipment for aerospace purposes
发布: 2022-02-11实施:
作废 BS 5074-1974 精密测量用各种长短杆式温度计规范Specification for short and long solid-stem thermometers for precision use
作废 BS 4618-4.2-1972 塑料设计数据表示方法推荐标准.第4部分:环境和化学效应.第2节:耐自然老化性Recommendations for the presentation of plastics design data - Environmental and chemical effects - Resistance to natural weathering
作废 BS 4993-4-1980 工业用氟化铝的试验方法.第4部分:试样的制备和贮存Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Preparation and storage of test samples
作废 BS 4A 4-1966 飞行器用金属材料试样和试验方法规范.米制单位Test pieces and test methods for metallic materials for aircraft - Metric units
作废 BS 4618-2.4-1975 塑料设计数据表示方法推荐标准.电气特性.表面电阻率Recommendations for the presentation of plastics design data - Electrical properties - Surface resistivity
作废 BS 4901-1976 建筑用塑料颜色规范Specification for plastics colours for building purposes
作废 BS 4974-1975 铅酸电池用水规范Specification for water for lead-acid batteries
作废 BS 4618-1.3.3-1976 塑料设计数据表示方法推荐标准.机械特性.强度环境应力破裂Recommendations for the presentation of plastics design data - Mechanical properties - Environmental stress cracking
作废 BS 4879-1973 冰淇淋与冷冻糖果包装用涂腊纸板规范Specification for waxed board for packaging ice cream and frozen confectionery
作废 BS 490-10.1-1983 输送机与提升机传动带.物理性能试验.导言Conveyor and elevator belting - Testing for physical properties - Introduction
作废 BS 4618-1.1.2-1976 塑料设计数据表示方法推荐标准.机械特性.蠕变.纸应变挠曲蠕变Recommendations for the presentation of plastics design data - Mechanical properties - Creep in flexure at low strains
作废 BS 4808-2-1972 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线及电缆规范.第2部分:单股非屏蔽实心或绞合用线Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Equipment wires with solid or stranded conductors, unscreened, single
作废 BS 4875-8-1998 家具稳定性和强度.非家用储存家具耐力和强度的测定方法Strength and stability of furniture - Methods for determination of stability of non-domestic storage furniture
作废 BS 4584-5-1972 印制电路板用覆箔.第5部分:中等电气质量的酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板:PF-CP-Cu-5Specification for metal-clad base materials for printed circuits - Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of medium electrical quality: PF-CP-Cu-5
作废 BS 4778-2-1991 质量词汇.质量概念和相关定义Quality vocabulary - Quality concepts and related definitions
作废 BS 4808-1-1972 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线及电缆规范.第1部分:一般要求和试验Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - General requirements and tests
作废 BS 4584-103.1-1990 印制电路板用覆箔板.第103部分:印制电路连接专用材料.第1节:多层印制电路板制造中用作粘结片材的半固化片规范Metal-clad base materials for printed wiring boards - Special materials used in connection with printed circuits - Specification for prepreg for use as a bonding sheet material in the fabrication of multilayer printed board
作废 BS 4737-3.4-1978 闯入者报警系统.第3部分:元部件规范.第4节:无线电波多普勒探测器Intruder alarm systems - Specifications for components - Radiowave Doppler detectors
作废 BS 4756-1998 木器用铝粉调合底漆规范Specification for ready-mixed aluminium priming paints for woodwork
GB 44702-2024 直接接触人体皮肤的手表外观件中有害物质限量的规定
GB 44495-2024 汽车整车信息安全技术要求
GB/T 24067-2024 温室气体 产品碳足迹 量化要求和指南
GB/T 7247.5-2024 激光产品的安全 第5部分:生产者关于GB/T 7247.1的检查清单
GB/T 44408-2024 智慧城市 智慧多功能杆系统 功能要求
GB/T 44233.2-2024 蓄电池和蓄电池组安装的安全要求 第2部分:固定型电池
DB4420/T 60—2024 中山市实景三维基础地理信息图元协同化采集技术规程
DB4420/T 59—2024 中山市1∶500 1∶1 000 1∶2 000基础地理信息数据标准
DB4420/T 58—2024 拟穴青蟹池塘养殖技术规范
DB4420/T 57—2024 政务综合服务能力评价规范
DB4420/T 56—2024 个体工商户信用监管数据质量规范
DB4420/T 55—2024 龙舟竞渡文化体验服务指南