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作废 BS 6117-1981 淡匍萄酒用玻璃瓶规范Specification for glass bottles for light wine
发布: 2022-02-11实施:
作废 BS 6127-3-1995 烟煤和无烟煤的岩相分析.烟煤和无烟煤的显微组分的测定方法Petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite - Method of determining maceral group composition of bituminous coal and anthracite
作废 BS 6148-8-1981 商业用冷藏柜试验方法.第8部分:意外机械接触试验Methods of test for commercial refrigerated cabinets - Test for accidental mechanical contact
作废 BS 6162-1981 聚烯烃类机纺纱线制开口袋规范Specification for open-mouth sacks manufactured from woven polyolefin tape yarn
作废 BS 6179-1982 一般用钨丝灯(寿命2000小时)Specification for tungsten filament lamps for general service (with lives of 2000 h)
作废 BS 6221-11-1991 印制电路板.第11部分:贯穿连接的挠性-刚性多层印制电路板规范Printed wiring boards - Specification for flex-rigid multilayer printed boards with through connections
作废 BS 6221-25-2000 印制电路板.钎焊表面安装印制板组件的检修和再加工指南Printed wiring boards - Guide to the rework and repair of soldered surface mounted printed board assemblies
作废 BS 5832-1980 有卸下压实废弃物箱的车辆规范Specification for compacted waste containers for lift-off vehicles
作废 BS 5839-5-1988 建筑物火警的监测及报警系统.第5部分:烟雾光束探测器规范Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings - Specification for optical beam smoke detectors
作废 BS 5816-1979 连续式机械装卸设备用的旋叶供料器尺寸规范Specification for dimensions of rotary vane feeders for continuous mechanical handling equipment
作废 BS 5824-1980 工业用低压开关设备及控制装置规范.安装围栏.设备安装用 C状型材及附件Specification for low voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use - Mounting rails - C-profile and accessories for the mounting of equipment
作废 BS 6221-9-1991 印制电路板.第9部分:贯穿连接的挠性多层板规范Printed wiring boards - Specification for flexible multilayer boards with through connections
作废 BS 6221-7-1982 印制电路板.第7部分:非贯穿连接单面和双面软印制电路板的详细说明编写方法Printed wiring boards - Method for specifying single and double sided flexible printed wiring boards without through connections
作废 BS 6234-1987 电缆的聚乙烯绝缘包覆层规范Specification for polyethylene insulation and sheath of electric cables
作废 BS 6288-9-1989 磁带录音和放音系统.第9部分:专业用磁带盒规范Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Specification for magnetic tape cartridge for professional use
作废 BS 6226-1982 工业用低压开关设备和控制装置规范.感应式近距离开关:定义、分类与标识Specification for low voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use - Inductive proximity switches - Definitions, classification and designation
作废 BS 6328-3-1983 英国通信网专用线路的连接设备.第3部分:与直流电路连接用装置规范Apparatus for connection to private circuits run by certain public telecommunication operators - Specification for apparatus for connection to direct current circuits
作废 BS 6273-1982 工业用低压开关设备和控制装置规范.安装横杆.固定接线板的宽度为15mm的顶盖横杆Specification for low voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use - Mounting rails - Top hat rails, 15 mm wide for the fixing of terminal blocks
现行有效 BS EN 613-2001 独立式燃气对流加热器Independent gas-fired convection heaters
作废 BS 6346-1997 电力系统用聚氯乙烯绝缘600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V 的铠装电缆规范Specification for 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V armoured electric cables having PVC insulation
GB 44702-2024 直接接触人体皮肤的手表外观件中有害物质限量的规定
GB 44495-2024 汽车整车信息安全技术要求
GB/T 24067-2024 温室气体 产品碳足迹 量化要求和指南
GB/T 7247.5-2024 激光产品的安全 第5部分:生产者关于GB/T 7247.1的检查清单
GB/T 44408-2024 智慧城市 智慧多功能杆系统 功能要求
GB/T 44233.2-2024 蓄电池和蓄电池组安装的安全要求 第2部分:固定型电池
DB4420/T 60—2024 中山市实景三维基础地理信息图元协同化采集技术规程
DB4420/T 59—2024 中山市1∶500 1∶1 000 1∶2 000基础地理信息数据标准
DB4420/T 58—2024 拟穴青蟹池塘养殖技术规范
DB4420/T 57—2024 政务综合服务能力评价规范
DB4420/T 56—2024 个体工商户信用监管数据质量规范
DB4420/T 55—2024 龙舟竞渡文化体验服务指南