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作废 GOST 34682.3-2020 Lifting platforms for disabled persons and other persons with impaired mobility.Safety requirements for the construction and installation. Part 3.Rules and methods of examinations (tests) and measurements by certification. Rules of sampling
发布: 2022-02-11实施:2021-06-01
作废 BS 5929-1-1986 食品感官分析方法.第1部分:方法论通用指南Methods for sensory analysis of food - General guide to methodology
发布: 2022-02-11实施:
现行有效 BS EN ISO 6222-1999 水质.可培养微生物的计数.营养琼脂培养基中接种的计群法Water quality - Enumeration of culturable micro-organisms - Colony count by inoculation in a nutrient agar culture medium
作废 BS 6090-1981 人体照相剂量计规范Specification for personal photographic dosemeters
作废 BS 6092-7-1981 工业用硅酸钠和硅酸钾的取样和试验方法.第7部分:二氧化硅含量的测定(滴定法Methods of sampling and test for sodium and potassium silicates for industrial use - Determination of silica content (titrimetric method)
作废 BS 6299-1982 无源无线电干扰滤波器及抑制元件抑制特性的测量方法Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive radio interference filters and suppression components
作废 BS 5876-1980 电视接收机主观观察试验指南Guide for subjective viewing tests for television receivers
作废 BS 5890-1980 电容器和电阻器标志用颜色的选择指南Guide for choice of colours to be used for the marking of capacitors and resistors
作废 BS 5927-1980 石棉水泥管道敷设指南Guide for laying of asbestos-cement pipelines
作废 BS 5942-11-1989 高保真度音响设备及系统.最低性能要求.车辆(例如汽车)用高保真度系统的规范.一般要求High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements - Specification for high fidelity systems for use in vehicles (for example, motor cars); general requirements
作废 BS 5942-2-1987 高保真度音频设备及系统.最低性能要求.第2部分:调频无线电调谐器规范High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements - Specification for FM radio tuners
作废 BS 5942-8-1987 高保真度音频设备及系统.最低性能要求.第8部分:组合设备规范High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements - Specification for combination equipment
作废 BS 5950-7-1992 建筑物中使用的钢制件.第7部分:材料和工艺规范:冷加工型材Structural use of steelwork in building - Specification for materials and workmanship: cold formed sections
作废 BS 5955-6-1980 塑料管道工程(热塑性塑料).第6部分:自重排水和下水道用未增塑聚氯乙烯管道工程安装实用规程Plastics pipework (thermoplastics materials) - Code of practice for the installation of unplasticized PVC pipework for gravity drains and sewers
作废 BS 6043-4.4-2000 制铝工业用碳素材料的取样和试验方法.冷捣糊块.未烘焙糊块挥发物含量的测定Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of the volatile matter content of unbaked paste
作废 BS 6057-3.15-1989 橡胶乳.第3部分:试验方法.第15节:丁苯橡胶乳挥发不饱和物含量的测定Rubber latices - Methods of test - Determination of volatile unsaturates content of styrene-butadiene rubber latices
作废 BS 6057-3.23-1990 橡胶乳.第3部分:试验方法.第23节:合成橡胶乳的微生物检验Rubber latices - Methods of test - Microbiological examination of synthetic rubber latex
作废 BS 6068-2.39-1991 水质.物理,化学和生物化学方法.使用氯化钡和重量分析法测定硫酸盐Water quality - Physical, chemical and biochemical methods - Method for the determination of sulphate using barium chloride and gravimetry
作废 BS 6068-6.8-1993 水质.第6部分:取样.第8节:湿沉淀取样指南Water quality - Sampling - Guidance on sampling of wet deposition
作废 BS 6083-3-1991 助听器.第3部分:不完全是由听者佩戴的助听设备的电声特性的测量方法Hearing aids - Methods for measurement of electroacoustical characteristics of hearing aid equipment not entirely worn on the listener
GB 44702-2024 直接接触人体皮肤的手表外观件中有害物质限量的规定
GB 44495-2024 汽车整车信息安全技术要求
GB/T 24067-2024 温室气体 产品碳足迹 量化要求和指南
GB/T 7247.5-2024 激光产品的安全 第5部分:生产者关于GB/T 7247.1的检查清单
GB/T 44408-2024 智慧城市 智慧多功能杆系统 功能要求
GB/T 44233.2-2024 蓄电池和蓄电池组安装的安全要求 第2部分:固定型电池
DB4420/T 60—2024 中山市实景三维基础地理信息图元协同化采集技术规程
DB4420/T 59—2024 中山市1∶500 1∶1 000 1∶2 000基础地理信息数据标准
DB4420/T 58—2024 拟穴青蟹池塘养殖技术规范
DB4420/T 57—2024 政务综合服务能力评价规范
DB4420/T 56—2024 个体工商户信用监管数据质量规范
DB4420/T 55—2024 龙舟竞渡文化体验服务指南