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作废 BS EN 61158-5-15-2008Industrial communication networks Fieldbus specifications Part 5-15: Application layer service definition Type 15 elements [Superseded: BSI BS EN 61158-5]
发布: 2009.01.31实施: 2009-01-31
现行有效 BS PD CLC/TR 50126-3-2008Railway applications The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Part 3: Guide to the application of EN 50126-1 for rolling stock RAM
发布: 2008.09.30实施: 2008-09-30
现行有效 DIN EN ISO 11680-2-2009Forstmaschinen - Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen und Pruefung fuer motorbetriebene Hochentaster - Teil 2: Geraete mit rueckengetragener Antriebseinheit (ISO 11680-2:2000) Machinery for forestry - Safety requirements and testing for pole-mounted powere
发布: 2009.01.01实施: 2009-01-01
现行有效 CSA C22.2 NO 18.4-04-2004Hardware for the Support of Conduit, Tubing, and Cable First Edition [Superseded: CSA C22.2 NO 18-98-CAN/CSA, CSA C22.2 NO 18-98-CAN/CSA, CSA C22.2 NO 18-98-CAN/CSA, CSA C22.2 NO 18-98-CAN/CSA, CSA C22.2 NO 18-92-CAN/CSA]
发布: 2004.02.16实施: 2004-02-16
现行有效 BS PAS 028-2002海上安全防护帽
发布: 2022.02.11实施:
现行有效 DIN EN 12003-2009Moertel und Klebstoffe fuer Fliesen und Platten - Bestimmung der Scherfestigkeiten von Reaktionsharz-Klebstoffen Adhesive for tiles - Determination of shear adhesion strength of reaction resin adhesives
现行有效 DIN EN ISO 11116-2-1999可移动的气罐.煤气罐.阀门与气罐连接的17E锥型螺纹.第1部分:检验量规
发布: 1999.08.01实施:
现行有效 DIN EN ISO 13938-1-1999纺织材料.织物破裂特性.第1部分:测定抗破碎强度及爆裂膨胀的液压方法
发布: 1999.10.01实施:
作废 BS EN 50216-4-2002电力变压器和反应堆配件.基本附件(接地端子、排水和填充设备、温度计套和轮组件)
现行有效 DIN EN 1176-1 Berichtigung 2-2008Spielplatzgeraete und Spielplatzboeden - Teil 1: Allgemeine sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen und Pruefverfahren; Berichtigung 2 zur englischen Fassung DIN EN 1176-1:2008-08 Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 1: General safety requirements and te
发布: 2008.12.01实施: 2008-12-01
现行有效 DIN EN ISO 14314-2010Hubkolben-Verbrennungsmotoren - Reversierstarteinrichtung - Allgemeine Sicherheitsanforderungen (ISO 14314:2004) Reciprocal internal combustion engines - Recoil starting equipment - General safety requirements (ISO 14314:2004)
发布: 2010.01.01实施: 2010-01-01
现行有效 DIN EN ISO 140-5-1998声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔音测量.第5部分:房屋正面和正面构件气载声隔绝的测量
发布: 1998.12.01实施:
现行有效 BS PD 5482-3-2005Code of practice for domestic butane and propane gas-burning installations Part 3: Installations in boats, yachts and other vessels
发布: 2005.09.26实施: 2005-09-26
作废 BS EN ISO 3164-2000土方机械.防护结构的实验室评定.极限偏差容量规范
现行有效 EN 15646-2009Electrodeposited coatings - Electroplated coatings of aluminium and aluminium alloys with supplementary treatment - Requirements and test methods
发布: 2009.03.01实施: 2009-03-01
作废 API RP 17H-2004Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Interfaces on Subsea Production Systems First Edition: ISO 13628-8 Adoption
发布: 2004.07.01实施: 2004-07-01
现行有效 BS ISO 20160-2006Implants for surgery Metallic materials Classification of microstructures for alpha+beta titanium alloy bars
发布: 2009.02.28实施: 2009-02-28
现行有效 DIN EN 12385-10-2008钢丝绳.安全.第10部分:一般结构用螺旋绳
发布: 2008.07.01实施: 2008-07-01
现行有效 DIN EN ISO 2556-2001塑料.大气压下薄膜和薄板气体传输率的测定
发布: 2001.01.01实施:
作废 BS ISO 10185-2004Tobacco and tobacco products Vocabulary [Superseded: BSI BS 7680]
发布: 2005.01.05实施: 2005-01-05
现行有效 EN 15650-2010Ventilation for buildings - Fire dampers
发布: 2010.04.01实施: 2010-04-01
现行有效 BS ISO/IEC 15944-8-2012Information technology — Business Operational View Part 8: Identification of privacy protection requirements as external constraints on business transactions
发布: 2012.04.30实施: 2012-04-30
现行有效 DIN EN 12408-2005Sicherheitsanforderungen fuer Seilbahnen fuer den Personenverkehr - Qualitaetssicherung Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Quality control
发布: 2005.06.01实施: 2005-06-01
作废 DIN EN 1264-3-1997地板供暖.系统和元部件.第3部分:计算
发布: 1997.11.01实施:
发布: 2007.01.01实施: 2007-01-01
现行有效 DIN ISO 10110-11-2000光学及光学仪器.光学元件和系统的图形制备.第11部分:非公差数据
发布: 2000.02.01实施: 2000-02-01
作废 DIN EN 1264-4-2001地板供暖.系统和元部件.第4部分:安装
发布: 2001.12.01实施:
现行有效 BS PD 6686-2006Guidance on directives, regulations and standards related to prevention of fire and explosion in the process industries
发布: 2006.03.20实施: 2006-03-20
现行有效 DIN EN ISO 8030-1998橡胶和塑料软管.易燃烧性试验方法
发布: 1998.02.01实施:
现行有效 EN 1736-2008Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators, expansion joints and non-metallic tubes - Requirements, design and installation
发布: 2008.11.01实施: 2008-11-01