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现行有效 SNV SN EN ISO 11737-1-2006Sterilisation von Medizinprodukten Mikrobiologische Verfahren Teil 1: Bestimmung der Population von Mikroorganismen auf Produkten Sterilization of medical devices Microbiological methods Part 1: Determination of a population of microorganisms on products Stilisation des dispositifs micaux Mhodes microbiologiques Partie 1: Dermination dne population de micro-organismes sur des produits ISO 11737-1:2006; Supersedes SN EN 1174-1, SN EN 1174-2, and SN EN 1174-3
发布: 2006.06.01实施:
现行有效 APA TT-111-2011Technical Topics: Wood Moisture Content and the Importance of Drying in Wood Building Systems To Purchase Call 1-800-854-7179 USA/Canada or 303-397-7956 Worldwide
发布: 2011.03.01实施:
现行有效 UNI EC 1-2010 UNI EN ISO 8655-3-2010Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 3: Piston burettes Apparecchiatura volumetrica a pistone - Parte 3: Burette a pistone
发布: 2010.05.13实施:
现行有效 UNI EC 1-2010 UNI EN ISO 5349-1-2010Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand- transmitted vibration - Part 1: General requirements Vibrazioni meccaniche - Misurazione e valutazione dell'esposizione dell'uomo alle vibrazioni trasmesse alla mano - Parte 1: Requisiti generali
发布: 2010.07.01实施:
作废 YB 171-1969
发布: 2022.02.11实施:
现行有效 DIN 54461-2005结构胶粘剂.粘合剂粘结牢度测试.弯曲剥离试验
发布: 2005.12.01实施: 2005-12-01
现行有效 UNI EC 1-2011 UNI EN ISO 12863-2011Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes Metodo di prova normalizzato per la valutazione della propensione all'innesco delle sigarette
发布: 2011.03.10实施:
作废 YB 23-1959
现行有效 SNV SN EN 15233-2007Methodik zur Bewertung der funktionalen Sicherheit von Schutzsystemen f explosionsgefrdete Bereiche Methodology for functional safety assessment of protective systems for potentially explosive atmospheres
发布: 2007.11.01实施:
现行有效 SNV SN EN 15216-2007Charakterisierung von Abflen - Bestimmung des Gesamtgehaltes an gelten Feststoffen (TDS) in Wasser und Eluaten Characterization of waste - Determination of total dissolved solids (TDS) in water and eluates
发布: 2007.12.01实施:
现行有效 SNV SN EN 3638-2007Aerospace series - Heat resisting alloy FE-PA2601 (X6NiCrTiMoV26-15) - Consumable electrode remelted - Solution and precipitation treated - Sheet, strip and plate - 0,5 mm< OR = a< OR = 10 mm
发布: 2007.06.01实施:
发布: 2011.01.01实施: 2011-01-01
现行有效 ASTM D6437-2005Standard Test Method for Polyurethane Raw Materials: Alkalinity in Low-Alkalinity Polyols (Determination of CPR Values of Polyols)
发布: 2005.03.01实施: 2005-03-01
现行有效 TSE TS 5624-1988Broadleaved forest tree seedlings
发布: 1988.03.21实施:
现行有效 ISO 13539-1998土方机械.挖沟机.定义和商业规范
发布: 1998.08.01实施: 1998-08-01
作废 ISO 16534-2012Thermal insulating products for building applications -- Determination of compressive creep
发布: 2012.05.15实施: 2012-05-15
现行有效 ISO 16545-2012Thermal insulating products for building applications -- Determination of behaviour under cyclic loading
现行有效 ISO 16564-2004天然生胶 用体积排除色谱法测定平均分子量和分子量分布
发布: 2004.10.07实施: 2004-10-07
作废 ISO 28721-1-2008Vitreous and porcelain enamels -- Glass-lined apparatus for process plants -- Part 1: Quality requirements for apparatus, components, appliances and accessories
发布: 2008.11.20实施: 2008-11-20
现行有效 ISO 12480-4-2007Cranes -- Safe use -- Part 4: Jib cranes
发布: 2007.02.28实施: 2007-02-28
作废 ASTM D2487-2010Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)
发布: 2010.01.01实施: 2010-01-01
现行有效 ASTM D5153-2010Standard Test Method for Palladium in Molecular Sieve Catalyst by Atomic Absorption
发布: 2010.11.01实施: 2010-11-01
作废 ASTM D5900-2010Standard Specification for Physical and Chemical Properties of Industry Reference Materials (IRM)
发布: 2010.05.01实施: 2010-05-01
现行有效 EN 1937-1999胶粘剂.液压硬化地板刮铲质量的检验方法.标准混合法
发布: 1999.09.22实施: 1999-09-22
现行有效 SNV SN EN ISO 6887-3-2003Mikrobiologie von Lebensmitteln und Futtermitteln - Vorbereitung von Untersuchungsproben und Herstellung von Erstverduennungen und von Dezimalverduennungen fuer mikrobiologische Untersuchungen - Teil 3: Spezifische Regeln fuer die Vorbereitung von Fisch und Fischerzeugnissen (ISO 6887-3:2003) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Part 3: Specific rules for the preparation of fish and fishery products (ISO 6887-3:2003)
发布: 2003.10.01实施:
现行有效 QB/T 4117-2010腰带扣
发布: 2010.12.29实施: 2011-04-01
现行有效 ASTM D5919-1996Standard Practice for Determination of Adsorptive Capacity of Activated Carbon by a Micro-Isotherm Technique for Adsorbates at ppb Concentrations1
发布: 1996.01.01实施: 1996-01-01
现行有效 SNV SN EN ISO 712-2010Cereals and cereal products - Determination of moisture content - Reference method Cles et produits cliers - Dermination de la teneur en eau - Mhode de rence
发布: 2010.04.01实施: