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未生效 EN ISO 20776-2-2022Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems - Susceptibility testing of infectious agents and evaluation of performance of antimicrobial susceptibility test devices - Part 2: Evaluation of performance of antimicrobial susceptibility test devices against reference broth micro-dilution (ISO 20776-2:2021)
发布: 2022.01.19实施: 2022-07-31
未生效 NB/T 10845-2021页岩气分阶段地质评价技术规范
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-02-16
未生效 NB/T 10727-2021煤矿膏体充填开采技术规范
未生效 EN ISO 15798-2022Ophthalmic implants - Ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (ISO 15798-2022)
发布: 2022.02.09实施: 2022-08-31
未生效 YS/T 1467.3-2021铪化学分析方法第3部分:硼量的测定
发布: 2021.12.02实施: 2022-04-01
未生效 NB/SH/T 6031-2021润滑剂摩擦性能和润滑寿命的测定 SOT法
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-05-16
未生效 DB32/T 4200-2022肿瘤放射治疗技术质量控制规范
发布: 2022.01.28实施: 2022-02-28
未生效 EN IEC 61076-2-010-2021Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-010: Circular connectors - Detail specification for connectors with outer or inner push-pull locking mechanism, based on mating interfaces according to IEC 61076-2-101, IEC 61076-2-109, IEC 61076-2-111 and IEC 61076-2-113
发布: 2021.07.23实施: 2022-04-01
未生效 YS/T 1508-2021钯蒸发料
未生效 NB/SH/T 0162-2021石油馏分中碱性氮含量的测定 颜色指示剂法
未生效 EN IEC 61076-2-011-2021Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-011: Circular connectors - Detail specification for B12 bayonet coupling connectors based on mating interfaces according to IEC 61076-2-101 and IEC 61076-2-109
发布: 2021.08.13实施: 2022-04-28
未生效 SY/T 6658-2021用旋进旋涡流量计测量天然气流量
未生效 DB35/T 2044-2021虚拟现实应用软件性能测试要求
发布: 2021.12.29实施: 2022-03-29
未生效 DB32/T 4187-2022湖泛巡测规范
未生效 EN 50131-2-3-2021Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 2-3: Requirements for microwave detectors
发布: 2021.12.17实施: 2022-11-11
未生效 DB22/T 3333-2022杂交大豆RN型“三系”恢保快速鉴定规程
未生效 HG/T 5954-2021纺织染整助剂产品中异噻唑啉酮类化合物的测定
未生效 EN ISO 22580-2021Flares for combustion of biogas (ISO 22580:2020)
发布: 2021.12.01实施: 2022-06-30
未生效 TB/T 3572-2022铁路电力变压器
发布: 2022.01.19实施: 2022-08-01
发布: 2013.02.08实施:
未生效 SC/T 1155-2021黑斑狗鱼
发布: 2021.11.09实施: 2022-05-01
未生效 EN ISO 19901-5-2021Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 5: Weight management (ISO 19901-5:2021)
未生效 SC/T 1156-2021鲂 亲鱼和苗种
未生效 DB32/T 4197-2022区块链信息系统通用测试规范
未生效 DB22/T 3352-2022长白山中华蜜蜂饲养技术规范
未生效 JJF(电子) 0074-2021防雷元件测试仪校准规范
未生效 DB22/T 3347-2022水稻抗低温减灾生产技术规程
未生效 QB/T 2924-2021毛皮耐汗渍色牢度试验方 法
未生效 YS/T 1489.4-2021钴铬钨系合金粉末化学分析方法第4部分:镍含量的测定丁二酮肟分光光度法
未生效 JJF(电子) 0075-2021标准电容损耗箱校准规范