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未生效 EN ISO 22404-2021Plastics - Determination of the aerobic biodegradation of non-floating materials exposed to marine sediment - Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide (ISO 22404:2019)
发布: 2021.11.10实施: 2022-05-31
未生效 YS/T 1467.10-2021铪化学分析方法第10部分:氧量、氮量的测定
发布: 2021.12.02实施: 2022-04-01
未生效 SY/T 7622-2021缆控分层注水技术规程
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-02-16
未生效 HJ 1215-2021水质 浮游植物的测定 滤膜-显微镜计数
发布: 2021.11.29实施: 2022-06-01
未生效 YS/T 1453-2021压延铜箔带坯
未生效 EN IEC 63041-1-2021Piezoelectric sensors - Part 1: Generic specifications
发布: 2021.10.29实施: 2022-05-05
未生效 SC/T 2109-2021日本对虾人工繁育技术规范
发布: 2021.11.09实施: 2022-05-01
未生效 GB 55022-2021既有建筑维护与改造通用规范
发布: 2021.09.08实施: 2022-04-01
未生效 EN 15942-2021Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Communication format business-to-business
发布: 2021.11.17实施: 2022-05-31
未生效 DB32/T 4214-2022宜兴红茶生产及质量分级技术规范
发布: 2022.01.28实施: 2022-02-28
未生效 EN ISO 6801-2021Rubber and plastics hoses - Determination of volumetric expansion (ISO 6801:2021)
发布: 2021.12.08实施: 2022-06-30
未生效 NY/T 3983-2021椰子主要食叶害虫调查技术规程 椰心叶甲和椰子织蛾
未生效 SC/T 2103-2021黄姑鱼
未生效 GB 31604.8-2021食品安全国家标准食品接触材料及制品 总迁移量的测定
发布: 2021.09.07实施: 2022-03-07
未生效 GB 1886.353-2021食品安全国家标准食品添加剂 γ-环状糊精
未生效 EN 14322-2021Wood-based panels - Melamine faced boards for interior uses - Definition, requirements and classification
发布: 2021.11.24实施: 2022-05-31
未生效 EN IEC 60974-13-2021Arc welding equipment - Part 13: Welding current return clamp
发布: 2021.06.18实施: 2022-02-20
未生效 AQ/T 1118-2021矿山救援培训大纲及考核规范
发布: 2021.12.24实施: 2022-03-01
未生效 EN ISO 4787-2021Laboratory glass and plastic ware - Volumetric instruments - Methods for testing of capacity and for use (ISO 4787:2021)
发布: 2021.12.01实施: 2022-06-30
未生效 EN 12697-7-2022Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 7: Determination of the bulk density of bituminous specimens by gamma rays
发布: 2022.02.09实施: 2022-08-31
未生效 EN 13126-4-2022Building hardware - Hardware for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 4: Espagnolettes
发布: 2022.01.26实施: 2022-07-31
未生效 YS/T 1503-2021六羟基合铂酸二(乙醇铵) 溶液
未生效 JJF(石化) 041-2021化学转化法低露点湿度发生器校准规范
未生效 EN IEC 61557-1-2021Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 1: General requirements
发布: 2021.12.10实施: 2022-08-10
未生效 EN IEC 61936-1-2021Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC - Part 1: AC
发布: 2021.08.27实施: 2022-05-11
未生效 SY/T 7654-2021石油天然气钻采设备 钢丝绳吊索
未生效 GM/T 0111-2021区块链密码应用技术要求
发布: 2021.10.18实施: 2022-05-01
未生效 EN ISO 10276-2021Nuclear energy - Fuel technology - Trunnion systems for packages used to transport radioactive material (ISO 10276:2019)
发布: 2021.08.04实施: 2022-02-28
未生效 NB/T 10760-2021矿用设备地面通电试验安全规程
未生效 JJF (苏) 250-2021液化气体自动灌装秤校准规范
发布: 2021.11.24实施: 2022-03-01