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未生效 EN ISO 25178-2-2022Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 2: Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters (ISO 25178-2:2021)
发布: 2022.01.19实施: 2022-07-31
未生效 NB/T 10763-2021固体生物质燃料中重金属汞的测定 固体进样直接法
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-05-16
未生效 EN IEC 63174-2022Electrically operated toothbrushes - Methods for measuring the performance
发布: 2022.01.21实施: 2022-10-03
未生效 EN ISO 11295-2022Plastics piping systems used for the rehabilitation of pipelines - Classification and overview of strategic, tactical and operational activities (ISO 11295-2022)
发布: 2022.02.09实施: 2022-08-31
未生效 EN ISO 10365-2022Adhesives - Designation of main failure patterns (ISO 10365-2022)
未生效 EN 13032-3-2021Light and lighting - Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires - Part 3: Presentation of data for emergency lighting of workplaces
发布: 2021.11.03实施: 2022-05-31
未生效 EN ISO 4135-2022Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Vocabulary (ISO 4135-2022)
未生效 EN ISO 8253-3-2022Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 3: Speech audiometry (ISO 8253-3-2022)
未生效 EN 2854-002-2021Aerospace series - Cables, electrical for general purpose - Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 260 °C - Part 002: General
发布: 2021.12.22实施: 2022-06-30
未生效 YS/T 1466-2021锆及锆合金化学成分分析取制样方法
发布: 2021.12.02实施: 2022-04-01
未生效 UL 508A BULLETIN-2016UL Standard for Safety Industrial Control Panels
发布: 2022.02.11实施:
未生效 EN IEC 63182-4-2022Magnetic powder cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 4: Block-cores
发布: 1973.10.19实施:
未生效 TB/T 3252-2022电气化铁路刚性悬挂接触网汇流排及零部件
发布: 2022.01.19实施: 2022-08-01
未生效 JJF(建材) 184-2021塑料管材耐压爆破试验机校准规范
未生效 HG/T 5952-2021邻氯乙酰乙酰苯胺
未生效 EN 17480-2021Algae and algae products - Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
发布: 2021.08.11实施: 2022-02-28
未生效 EN 50524-2021Data sheet for photovoltaic inverters
发布: 2021.09.10实施: 2022-07-26
未生效 EN IEC 60076-22-8-2021Power transformers - Part 22-8: Power transformer and reactor fittings - Devices suitable for use in communication networks
发布: 2021.08.13实施: 2022-04-20
未生效 EN 14908-9-2021Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Control Network Protocol - Part 9: Wireless Communication in ISM bands
发布: 2021.09.01实施: 2022-03-31
未生效 GB 31652-2021食品安全国家标准 即食鲜切果蔬加工卫生规范
发布: 2021.02.22实施: 2022-02-22
未生效 EN ISO 12571-2021Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of hygroscopic sorption properties (ISO 12571:2021)
发布: 2021.11.24实施: 2022-05-31
未生效 DB33/T 869-2022在用电梯风险评价规则
发布: 2022.01.29实施: 2022-03-01
未生效 GB 1886.351-2021食品安全国家标准食品添加剂 α-环状糊精
发布: 2021.09.07实施: 2022-03-07
未生效 EN IEC 60851-1-2021Winding wires - Test methods - Part 1: General
发布: 2021.08.06实施: 2022-04-21
未生效 JJF(湘) 67-2021直流分流器检定装置校准规范
发布: 2021.12.15实施: 2022-03-01
未生效 EN 12952-2-2021Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 2: Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories
未生效 NB/T 10723-2021矿井透地通信系统通用技术条件
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-02-16
未生效 YS/T 1501-2021含铜贵金属材料氧化亚铜金相检验方法
未生效 NB/T 10787-2021冷冻液化气体铁路罐车