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未生效 EN 14459-2021Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous or liquid fuels - Control functions in electronic systems - Methods for classification and assessment
发布: 2021.11.24实施: 2022-05-31
未生效 NB/T 10725-2021煤矿用电工电子产品电磁兼容性要求及试验方法
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-02-16
未生效 NB/T 10716-2021地热流体样品的采集与保存规范
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-05-16
未生效 EN IEC 61970-600-2-2021Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 600-2: Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) - Exchange profiles specification
发布: 2021.08.06实施: 2022-04-09
未生效 NB/T 10731-2021煤矿井下防水密闭墙设计施工及验收规范
未生效 EN 10264-2-2021Steel wire and wire products - Steel wire for ropes - Part 2: Cold drawn non alloy steel wire for ropes for general applications
发布: 2021.12.22实施: 2022-06-30
未生效 JT/T 405-2022水路客运计算机售票票样及管理使用要求
发布: 2022.01.13实施: 2022-04-13
未生效 EN ISO 24032-2021Soil quality - In situ caging of snails to assess bioaccumulation of contaminants (ISO 24032:2021)
发布: 2021.12.15实施: 2022-06-30
未生效 DB35/T 2030-2021企业集体协商工作质效评价指引
发布: 2021.12.29实施: 2022-03-29
未生效 EN 14583-2021Workplace exposure - Volumetric bioaerosol samplers - General requirements and evaluation of performance
未生效 JJG 719-2021直流电动势工作基准检定规程
发布: 2021.12.08实施: 2022-06-08
未生效 GB 1903.53-2021食品安全国家标准食品营养强化剂 D-泛酸钙
发布: 2021.09.07实施: 2022-03-07
未生效 JT/T 316-2022货运挂车产品质量检验评定方法
未生效 QB/T 5671-2021制鞋机械卧式雨鞋机
发布: 2021.12.02实施: 2022-04-01
未生效 QB/T 1939-2021电风扇用机械式定时器
未生效 YS/T 1489.3-2021钴铬钨系合金粉末化学分析方法第3部分:钨含量的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
未生效 EN 203-1-2021Gas heated catering equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements
未生效 TB/T 3069-2021ZDJ10型电动转辙机
发布: 2021.12.01实施: 2022-06-01
未生效 EN 50171-2021Central safety power supply systems
发布: 2021.12.17实施: 2022-11-15
未生效 EN IEC 60384-1-2021Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
发布: 2021.08.27实施: 2022-05-20
未生效 QB/T 1207.4-2021阮
未生效 EN IEC 61280-1-3-2021Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 1-3: General communication subsystems - Measurement of central wavelength, spectral width and additional spectral characteristics
发布: 2021.08.27实施: 2022-05-09
未生效 EN IEC 61223-3-7-2022Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 3-7: Acceptance and constancy tests - Imaging performance of X-ray equipment for dental cone beam computed tomography
发布: 2022.02.04实施: 2022-10-20
未生效 NB/T 10822-2021固体氧化物燃料电池 小型固定式发电系统 通用安全技术导则
未生效 SC/T 2102-2021绿鳍马面鲀
发布: 2021.11.09实施: 2022-05-01
未生效 NY/T 3970-2021饲料原料 啤酒酵母粉
未生效 NY/T 3925-2021农作物品种试验规范 糖料作物
未生效 NY/T 3961-2021畜禽屠宰加工人员防护技术规范
未生效 EN IEC 62148-21-2021Fibre optic active components and devices - Package and interface standards - Part 21: Design guidelines of electrical interface of PIC packages using silicon fine-pitch ball grid array (S-FBGA) and silicon fine-pitch land grid array (S-FLGA)
发布: 2021.06.04实施: 2022-02-27
未生效 GB 55016-2021建筑环境通用规范
发布: 2021.09.08实施: 2022-04-01