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未生效 EN 13126-1-2022Building hardware - Hardware for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 1: Requirements common to all types of hardware
发布: 2022.01.26实施: 2022-07-31
DB32/T 4196-2022
发布: 2022.01.28实施:
未生效 NB/T 10741-2021露天煤矿大型卡车运行安全测试规范
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-02-16
未生效 HG/T 5923-2021化纤用二氧化钛
发布: 2021.12.02实施: 2022-04-01
未生效 QB/T 5646-2021烘焙纸
未生效 YS/T 1460-2021粗氢氧化镍钴
未生效 JJF(轻工) 151-2021鞋类耐磨试验机校准规范
未生效 JJG 1183-2021铁路辙叉结构高度测量器检定规程
发布: 2021.12.28实施: 2022-06-28
未生效 YS/T 1435-2021电磁屏蔽用压延铜箔
未生效 JJF(石化) 048-2021橡胶或塑料软管及软管组合件用无曲挠脉冲试验机校准规范
未生效 JJF(石化) 052-2021漆膜流挂仪校准规范
未生效 YS/T 1348.7-2021铅冶炼分银渣化学分析方法第7部分:砷含量的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
未生效 EN ISO 748-2021Hydrometry - Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Velocity area methods using point velocity measurements (ISO 748:2021)
发布: 2021.12.01实施: 2022-06-30
未生效 CWA 17794-2021Measurement of diffusible hydrogen in metallic materials - HELIOS 4 HOT PROBE method
发布: 2021.08.18实施: 2022-02-28
未生效 JJF (苏) 248-2021电梯用钢丝绳弯曲疲劳试验机校准规范
发布: 2021.11.24实施: 2022-03-01
未生效 EN IEC 60545-2021Guidelines for commissioning and operation of hydraulic turbines, pump-turbines and storage pumps
发布: 2021.08.13实施: 2022-04-28
未生效 EN 50689-2021Safety of laser products - Particular Requirements for Consumer Laser Products
发布: 2021.11.05实施: 2022-09-27
未生效 EN IEC 60404-17-2021Magnetic materials - Part 17: Methods of measurement of the magnetostriction characteristics of grain-oriented electrical steel strip and sheet by means of a single sheet tester and an optical sensor
发布: 2021.12.10实施: 2022-09-09
未生效 NB/SH/T 6035-2021柴油导出十六烷值的测定 定容燃烧室着火滞后和燃烧滞后法
发布: 2021.11.16实施: 2022-05-16
未生效 EN IEC 80001-1-2021Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices - Part 1: Safety, effectiveness and security in the implementation and use of connected medical devices or connected health software
发布: 2021.10.29实施: 2022-07-26
未生效 DL/T 5624-2021海底电缆工程施工图设计文件内容深度规定
未生效 EN ISO 18229-2021Essential technical requirements for mechanical components and metallic structures foreseen for Generation IV nuclear reactors (ISO 18229:2018)
发布: 2021.08.04实施: 2022-02-28
未生效 EN IEC 63159-2-1-2021Household electric instantaneous water heaters - Methods for measuring the performance - Part 2-1: Multifunctional electric instantaneous water heaters
发布: 2021.11.26实施: 2022-08-25
未生效 JJF(建材) 182-2021建材产品挥发物检测用环境测试舱校准规范
未生效 SY/T 7614-2021海底节点地震资料采集技术规程
未生效 EN 1004-2-2021Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements - Part 2: Rules and guidelines for the preparation of an instruction manual
发布: 2021.11.24实施: 2022-05-31
未生效 SY/T 7638-2021液化天然气接收站经济运行规范
未生效 JJF(石化) 047-2021氟化氢气体检测报警器校准规范
未生效 SY/T 0305-2021滩海管道系统技术规范
未生效 QB/T 2686-2021马铃薯片(条、块)